Friday, November 18, 2011

What an awesome invite -

I am not sure if we are allowed to share some really cool news that we received tonight, but we hope we can soon!

Two weeks ago in our small group at church KC & I were telling everyone how we felt very vacant right now. We were so mission oriented when we were in the process of adopting Zoe, but now that, that is completed we feel like we aren't sharing very much and that we don't really have a fire to do so. Well tonight we received an email from a group that I believe could be an amazing resource and an answer to our prayers!

So, without disclosing anything else, we are just going to ask everyone to pray that we get this amazing opportunity and that everything works out!

Until later -


Bath Time!

This is one of the funniest times at our house everyday. . .
It pretty much consists of KC and I sitting in the floor in the girls bathroom and waiting for them to either
1.) Splash all of the water out of the tub or
2.) For Olivia to realize that it's snack time after bath time.
We then spend a little time admiring ourselves in the mirror,
then it's time to get dressed, lotioned up, and off to bed!

Hello again -

Where do I even begin to try to catch everyone up on where our lives are now...I think I can sum up in one word how things are for KC and me now that we have Zoe home - exhausting!Let’s see if I can do a quick recap of the last three and a half months in a few paragraphs.We got home. Zoe started to grow like a weed. She came home with no teeth and couldn’t pull up on her own, and now is cutting tooth number 9 and any day she will be letting go of the edge of the couch and not just taking three or four steps, but running around like Olivia. It has been a ton of stuff going on. The girls have started going to Mothers Morning Out and church three days a week. We have been traveling all over the state. We had the fall festival at our church. We most recently had Zoe’s first birthday (Nov. 14th). She actually got christened the day before at church and we had her party that afternoon. And we moved to a house with a little more room. With all of that quickly thrown out there, and probably not that well put together, we are letting everyone know that we will no longer be posting on this blog…. because we have a new one. I am going to see if my friend Raleigh Price (@ ) can help me swap all of our old posts onto our new blog, because that is above my level of understanding. So… here is the new one - hope that each of you will make your way over there and check out what is going on in our high speed, sometimes crazy life. Thank you for following us on our journey to bring home our Zoe Grace. We hope you will continue to follow us as we see what God has in store for us. - JW, KC, Olivia and Zoe