Friday, March 25, 2011

She's on the move . . .

This may not seem like much of an update to everyone else, but to KC and I this is BIG news!!! We were called this morning and told that Zoe Grace was being moved from the orphanage in the small town that she is currently in, where she was born, which is several hours away from Ethiopia’s capital, to the capital city Addis Ababa into a new orphanage!!

That is HUGE news because of the following reasons:

1.) One of the reasons that we haven’t been able to get many updates and pictures of her over these past few months is because she has been so far away from where our agency’s office is located in Addis Ababa, it was difficult, as expected, for someone to just jump in their car and drive several hours away to take pictures of her and then to drive back. As much as we begged for them to do that, we understood that logistically it wasn’t possible. But now, it will be easier for them to go just a few blocks over and check on her for us!

2.) When we get to Ethiopia we (probably) won’t have to take a trip back to her village. If she were still there, then we would have to spend a large majority of the time that we could have spent with her in the car driving back and forth. So that in it self is a huge blessing! We will get more one on one time with her!!! (Which we can’t wait for!!)

3.) When other families go over, maybe some of them would be willing to stop by her orphanage as well to take pictures and video of her!! Mainly video, since in Ethiopia they are still on dial-up and I am sure it is difficult to send video over that. I even learned today that the town/government cuts off all the power randomly some days to conserve it. I think KC and I both would die without that.

So while it isn’t the news that we have been waiting for, like we have been filed in court or we have a court date, it IS still something that is awesome – and these days we get excited over ANYTHING!

Please continue to pray for our sweet Zoe Grace, as well as Olivia. Also, there are two other very special families that KC and I have become very close with, and they are in the same situation/place we are in. Both families also have a beautiful baby girl waiting on them in Ethiopia and they continue to keep the faith and know that something amazing will happen soon. We all know that it will!

Until later –

jw godwin


  1. John Warren,
    This is awesome news! Thank you for sharing.

  2. That's huge news! We can't wait to see more pictures & updates!!

  3. Darren and Jacky LewisMarch 26, 2011 at 6:01 AM

    How exciting! Can't wait to see more pictures!
